People For the American Way

PFAW Applauds the Citizens United Resolution Effort of YEO and Newark, Delaware City Councilmember Ezra Temko



Ezra Temko’s last day in office representing the Fifth District of Newark, Delaware as a City Councilmember will be this Tuesday, April 17th. After serving two terms in the position for four years, Ezra decided against filing for re-election; he will not, however, be leaving the city council without having left his mark.

Among countless other progressive initiatives Ezra advanced throughout his terms, Ezra recently put forth a resolution in support of efforts to reverse the Citizens United decision, and to encourage public debate about the role that corporations play in American politics. In a 5-1 vote on March 26, the resolution passed, and thus Newark, Delaware joined the long list of municipal and state governments that have called for overturning the Citizens United decision.

People For the American Way applauds the work of Ezra Temko by championing this movement, and the work of the affiliate People For the American Way Foundation’s YEO Network for having supported such a strong, young progressive.


Citizens United v. FEC, Ezra Temko, YEO Network