Marge Baker: We Are At a ‘Movement Moment’

PFAW’s Marge Baker appeared on MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan show yesterday, where she described the growing movement to overturn Citizens United v. FEC, the flawed 2010 Supreme Court decision that ultimately led to the “Super PAC,” resulting in toxic levels of corporate and special interest money spent on influencing our elections.

“The only answer we really have to the toxic issue of money in politics is to amend the Constitution,” said Baker. “We are working with a constellation of organizations with literally millions of members around the country, including Public Citizen, Common Cause, Move to Amend, our organization People for the American Way, Center for Media and Democracy and Free Speech For People, we are all working together as part of this umbrella called United for the People, and we are working to call attention to the problem of Citizens United and urge the amendment of the Constitution to address the problems.”

This is truly a grassroots movement, and Americans across the country are demanding change. Throughout this month surrounding the second anniversary of the Citizens United decision, demonstrations at courthouses, statehouses and corporate headquarters have taken place across the country. Additionally, dozens of resolutions against the decision have been adopted at the local and state level. In the 112th Congress, ten proposed constitutional amendments have been proposed thus far.

“92% of Americans think there is too much money in politics,” continued Baker. “I think we’re in a movement moment. This movement is going to grow, and we’re going to see some real action.”




Citizens United v. FEC, constitutional amendment