4 Ways to Help Build a Bench of Winning Progressives with the Next Up Victory Fund

Next Up Victory Fund will help win critical state and local races in the coming election cycles, including races targeted in preparation for 2020 redistricting, by investing in promising young candidates who will be positioned to play a leadership role in our country for years to come. Our goal is to create a more progressive, more diverse, more representative government by supporting the talent and energies of our next generation of leaders. By winning back key offices across the country, we can effect outcomes that truly reflect our American values. Here’s how you can be a part of this effort:

1. Donate to help candidates win

For good or ill, candidates are judged early by how much money they can raise. Not only is money seen as an important test for candidates, but these donations are critical for building an effective campaign operation. With your help, we’ll help ensure our endorsed candidates have the resources they need. Donate now. Every dollar counts.

2. Become a volunteer

As candidates get their operations set up and elections near, volunteers become extremely important for a win. As a PFAW member, you will receive action alerts with future updates on the program, including when there are Next Up candidates running near you who you could volunteer to support. Become a PFAW member now.

3. Share on social media

We need your help to reach the best candidates and provide them support. Let your friends and networks know that we are here to help young progressives win elections. Spread the word on Facebook and on Twitter now.

4. Recommend a candidate

Tell us about young progressive candidates who inspire you. If you or someone you know has decided to run and stands for our American values, fill out the quick form and we’ll be in touch.