People For the American Way

The Advocate: Donald Trump-Loving Pastor’s Christian Military Academy Promises No LGBTQ+ or ‘Woke’ Teachings

In the News

First published in The Advocate via Yahoo News.

An anti-LGBTQ+ pastor in South Carolina described as Trump’s top pastor has announced plans to open a K-12 Christian military academy free from LGBTQ+ and other “woke agenda” teachings.

Pastor Mark Burns of the Harvest Praise & Worship Center in Easley announced the creation of the new Burns Military Christian Academy in a post to Facebook this month.

He has called for the arrest of parents of trans kids and has compared the LGBTQ+ “agenda” to the techniques used by the Nazis to indoctrinate children. According to Right Wing Watch, he described LGBTQ+ studies as indoctrination and akin to the practices used by the Nazis to train “future stormtroopers” while they were young.

Read the full article in The Advocate via Yahoo News.


Christian Nationalism, Trump