People For the American Way

The Guardian: Rightwing Group Behind Regressive US State Laws to Face Protest at DC Gala

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The Guardian: Rightwing Group Behind Regressive US State Laws to Face Protest at DC Gala

First published in The Guardian.

A broad coalition of opponents to the rightwing corporate agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) will hold a rally on Wednesday night outside a glitzy gala event to celebrate the secretive group’s 50th anniversary.

“They design cookie cutter legislation to pass to state houses across the US, helping pass laws that make it harder to vote, harder to get healthcare, harder for workers to unionize, and harder to get dark money out of politics,” said Svante Myrick, CEO of People for the American Way, one of the rally organizers.

Read the full article in The Guardian.


ALEC, Defend Democracy