People For the American Way

The Wonkette: Right Wing Pundits: Trumpists Are Violent Psychopaths Who Will Kill Us All If They Don’t Get Their Way

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The Wonkette: Right Wing Pundits: Trumpists Are Violent Psychopaths Who Will Kill Us All If They Don’t Get Their Way

First published in The Wonkette.

If there is one thing that conservative pundits can agree on, it is … well, it’s everything. They’re honestly not all that original. But this week, at least two of them are out here warning us all that if the fact that Trump broke the law all over the place prevents him from being president (or, let’s be real, if he is not elected president for any other reason), that his voters will be so mad that they will be forced into civil warring the rest of us.

Via Right Wing Watch:

“Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in third-world dictatorships, banana republics, and communist regimes?” Huckabee asked during his opening monologue of Saturday night’s episode. “The people in power use their police agencies to arrest their opponents for made-up crimes in an attempt to discredit them, bankrupt them, imprison them, exile them, or all of the above.”

Read the full article in The Wonkette.
