People For the American Way

People For the American Way Applauds Outline of H.R. 1

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2018

Contact: Derrick Crowe at People For the American Way

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 512.516.5067

Framework for First Bill to be Introduced in the Next Congress Shows House Leadership Makes Needed Reforms a Priority

Washington, D.C.—People For the American Way today applauded the framework for H.R. 1 released by Leader Pelosi, Representative Sarbanes, and the other new and long-term Members of Congress who committed to making serious repairs to our democracy and putting the public back in charge of their government.

“Americans want real reforms to our democracy,” said Marge Baker, Executive Vice President of People For the American Way. “People understand that without greater participation and equality of access to the levers of power, the many problems that plague our country will remain unchecked. The principles included in this outline show that the Democrat-led House of Representatives is committed to rebuilding faith in government undermined by two years of Trump administration’s disregard for norms and democratic principles.”

People For the American Way is part of the Declaration for American Democracy coalition, a nonpartisan collaboration of more than 110 local, state, and national organizations committed to delivering the bold reforms to our democracy demanded by the public. We joined the coalition because we believe a strong democracy is one in which:

● Voting is a fundamental right and a civic responsibility;
● People are served rather than the private interests of public officials and wealthy political donors;
● Our influence is based on the force of ideas, not the size of our wallets;
● People know who tries to gain influence over our representatives,
● People know who tries to influence our votes, and how and why policy is being made; and
● Government responds to the needs of all people and their communities, building trust in institutions.

We appreciate the bold leadership and vision demonstrated today, and we will continue working to make sure that vision becomes a reality.

Learn more about the Declaration for American Democracy.